Massaging your feet through self-reflexology can help support our mind, body and spirit.
The feet are concentrated with thousands of nerve endings. As a Reflexologist I rely on a map which has been developed over thousands of years. The theory behind Reflexology is that certain reflexes on the feet correspond to areas the body. By stimulating them with Reflexology, we are sending a signal to rebalance those inner organs and glands.
I often use Reflexology on myself as a way to reduce pain, tension and stress. This 15 minute routine can be applied before bed to aid a restful night’s sleep. Sit in a crossed legged position with your back supported. Massage the points below using a balm or cream to help relax the body and create harmony and balance.
- Brain – walk your thumb (like a caterpillar) along the top of the big toe and make circles, to help regulate the emotions
- Hypothalamus – use your thumb to push in and make big circles, to help you to rest and digest
- Neck – walk your finger or thumb gently making circles as you move along to relax and loosen the muscles
- Diaphragm – Thumb or finger walk making circles as you move along to help you to breathe deeper
- Kidney – walk your finger or thumb and gently push in and out to help control blood pressure
- Adrenal Gland – use your thumb and gently push in and out to help balance adrenaline
- Repeat the sequence on the other foot.